Help Triple O Restock

I want to thank everyone who supported my business so far for the past 8 years, thank you for sharing my videos, sharing your nail polish swatches, and providing kind words.
All of this helps in inspiring me and giving me the courage to continue moving forward. It is a pivotal time for Triple O, as I am trying to reopen my online store, not only to solely sell my products but to educate people which was my intention from the start. I love sharing the things I’ve learned about my culture and I hope to shed light on the untold and hidden stories of Africa and World history. In order to do this, I have to continue to be transparent about owning a small business and the goals for this business and that is saving my business. This requires working capital that is hard to obtain as a small black owned business as well as have the capital to advertise on social media platforms, and continue to provide my audience the untold stories of Africa and the world that need to be heard and known. I have to finally remove the fear of asking for support and put my heart out there with confidence that someone, if it’s just one person, will support.
The funds will be used to fully restock and ensuring that I have the proper inventory and working capital to sustain my business through advertising and marketing.
I will continue to be very transparent on my Instagram and TikTok, and you can follow my journey on those platforms by click the links below!